06 Sep 23.
This day we remember and celebrate Lord Krsna's Avatar day - Krana Jayanthi, Krsnashtami, Gokulashtami etc.
And we offer Him in Naivedya, the Lord's food, a variety of following delicious snacks:
And sweets
After Naivedya offering, we distribute the same Lord's food as Prasad to all devotees.
Ironically, this day of Gokulashtami, as Sastra advices, we are supposed to observe vrata, fasting through out the day. On other Ashtami thithis, the Sastric prescription is to fast during the day.
We all know the upadesa, preaching that Lord Krana gave to Arjun. The upadesa is Bhagavad Gita. Many think this preaching was to boost and motivate the morale of dejected Arjun not to retreat but fight on. In fact, the treatise Gita is to elevate humanity and keep on the trajectory Godwards.
In the mundane turmoil, liberation is easier said than done. It calls for strong shankalp, determination to observe discipline and practice.
Aiding such determination is our attitude towards the food we consume. Lord Krana speaks on what type of food to consume, what not to eat, the quantity to eat and the quality of food as well.
Verse 8 chapter 17:
आयु:सत्त्वबलारोग्यसुखप्रीतिविवर्धना: |
रस्या: स्निग्धा: स्थिरा हृद्या आहारा: सात्त्विकप्रिया: || 8||
rasyāḥ snigdhāḥ sthirā hṛidyā āhārāḥ sāttvika-priyāḥ
Commentary by Swami Chidbhavananda:
The foods that augment vitality, energy, vigour, health, joy and cheerfulness, which are savoury and oleaginous, substantial and agreeable, are liked by Saatvika.