Thursday, February 14, 2019

Duryodana's destiny

14 February 2019

The day began with millions of roses transcending the shores of peace loving India.

To lovers across globe.
When they celebrate Valentine's Day,
The very same day
Some notorious thorns tore into our,  Emphatically our valley - and staged gory bloodshed.

Hats off to Martyrs.

Assure you our Saviours
India is eternally indebted to
Your sacramental martyrdom in  Nation's safety.

Be also rest assured.
Duryodana's destiny is certain to befall on these war-mongering mindless, heartless brutes,  demons and devils.

History is replete with karmic harvest of what-they-sow-so-shall-they-reap.

Vainglory was paramount in the demoniac Duryodana when his days of destruction drew near.

So was the case with demons that went berserk in the valley.

A message reinforced in the Old Testament :

"Pride goes before destruction,  and a haughty spirit before a fall. "

- Proverbs 16:18.

Be all ill fated all ghosts,  devil forces certain, our Saviours are all out in full force to dispirit all your nasty designs,  nullify all ill scheming.

"Every one who is arrogant is an abomination to the Lord;  be assured,  he will not go unpunished."

1 comment:

  1. War Violence Betrayal Diabolic
    All from the command of some other human What thoughts and how they brew
    To Kill to Harm not just the one who stands
    But those who stand behind - his family
    And for those he stood up for - You and me.
    Does he think us cowards to cower in fear
    Will not a wave replace the drop he scorched?
    How meaningless his action?
    Coward, he hit from hidding
    Dhuryodana reckless egoist
    Cared not for Dharma
    Knit his own deathtrap
    Believed in his brawn and might
    Karma proved him wrong
    Again Time will stand still to reap
    Before the ones who set the wheels
    Of entrapment of our guardians
    Then to who will he pray to for forgiveness,
    For peace for his soul?
    To the souls of those whose fate he wrote!
    Justice will prevail and the wheels
    Of Karma will turn when he to them
    Bows in repentance and prayer.
