A fragment,
A fragmentary glimpse into yoga just suffices.
Your journey into eternity begins, blossoms.
It's a vortex, not the kind to swallow up one.
It's a state that Lord Krsna exhorts Not just Arjuna, but every one to be:
"Yogi Bhava".
Gita verse 6.46:
तस्माद्योगीभवार्जुन|| 46".
tapasvibhyo ’dhiko yogī
jñānibhyo ’pi mato ’dhikaḥ
karmibhyaśh chādhiko yogī
tasmād yogī bhavārjuna
Krsna keeps atop a Yogi all else - those performing various rituals just to get personal gain, wealth etc.,.
Yoga is a process where you engage in that that links you to the Supreme Consciousness.
Ask any Yoga sadhaga - practitioner,,
Even a beginner.
She/He would vouch that she/he felt a difference - divine one- that one couldn't convey it in words. It's step one to life's mission - Supreme Consciousness, and on the yatra, journey, you are ever in that Consciousness.
A pertinent question:
What's the use in just one engages in yoga sadana?
Adi Sankara answers in Bhaja Govindam:
सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं, निस्संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वं।
निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं, निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः ॥९॥
Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam,
nirmohatve niscalatattvam niscalatattve jivanmuktiH.- 9
Just a company of a good one suffices to light the goodness in the other.
And Rumi beautifully strings it:
All roads lead to Krsna's:
"Yogi Bhava".
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