Monday, March 4, 2024

நாளென் செயும்....Be Strong


நாளென் செயும்வினை தானென் செயுமெனை நாடிவந்த
கோளென் செயுங்கொடுங் கூற்றென் செயுங்கும ரேசரிரு
தாளுஞ் சிலம்புஞ் சதங்கையும் தண்டையுஞ் சண்முகமுந்
தோளுங் கடம்பு மெனக்குமுன் னேவந்து தோன்றிடினே.

பாடல் 38 –  கந்தரலங்காரம்

-      அருணகிரிநாதர்

Couple of days ago,

I just came back visiting a tax commissioner,

So tired, not because having had to meet a tax Official,

But to admit ageing.

We do walk, try a few asanas.

Yet, I can’t pretend

I’m pretty fit.

Just that day,

As I entered my Office back,

Trailing me was a stranger,

Donning yellow color robe and

Chanting Baba’s name.

He sought some alms.

I fished out a Rs.10 coin and

Handed out.

He blessed me and said,

“You need to take Baba’s Prasad and you should not refuse it”.

So saying, he, in return, put a one Re coin in my palm.

And in no second, he himself closed my fist and chanted again Baba’s nama.

Asked me to open my fist,

Which I did.

My God,

In the place of Re. 1 Coin, there was a small piece of a yellow metal,

A miniscule sort of waist belt buckle.

I returned it even faster and bid him adieu.

The vagabond left.

This took me some two decades back.

A similar instance happened.  I wrote it in one of my pieces in the blog.

That time, on a Saturday afternoon, everyone in my office left.  And I was the one to leave last.  As I was about to, an astro-palmist walked in.  And cajoled me to stretch my palm so that he could read and predict my life.  My God.  I’m a guy to accept whatever the God destines at any point in life.  As if some teaser, without waiting for me to say no, he shot a shell, “Sir, just think of a number, but don’t tell me what”.

I thought number 7.  The palmist immediately said, the number correctly.   His next teaser was, “think of a bird and don’t tell me”.   Wow, he could guess, the bird I thought was peacock.  Oh, the palmist said it correctly.

I literally pushed him out and headed for home that day.

How all these magics happen, I wondered loudly.

Years later very recently when I read Hidden Mysteries by Osho, it looks there are answers.  He writes if a person activates his ajna chackra, the space on the forehead betwixt the two eyes, he would be able to command and get things done.  But the thing is one needs to activate ajna chackra for good.  If abused, it can boomerang.

Lord Krsna’s sagely words to Arjuna at the time he talked about bad omens in killing the kith and kin on the other side of the warfare,

na ca śaknomy avasthātuṁ

bhramatīva ca me manaḥ

nimittāni ca paśyāmi

viparītāni keśava

- Slogan 30, Adhyaya I ARJUNA VISHADA YOGA

The one dutiful, agile would go about doing one's duty for the sake of one's wont duty. That one has no time to seek guidance from omens. It is the weak and wavering who would dilly dally on the excuse of seeking guidance from omens.

My humble feeling is so long you are staunch in your faith, nothing, nobody could shake you.   So be your Faith.

God bless.

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