Sunday, August 11, 2024

Maharishi Ved Vyas trying apace...with Maha Ganapati

Maharishi Ved Vyas trying apace...with Maha Ganapati
நதீஜலம் கேசவநாரி கேது: நகாஹ்வயோ நாம நகாரிஷூநு: |

ஏஷாங்கநா வேஷதர: கிரீடி ஜித்வா வயம் நேஷ்யதி சாத்ய காவ: ||

It's one of the slokas Maharshi Ved Vyas did it in most complicated way.  Why he chose to have such a complicated slokas in the whole gamut of nearly one lakh slokas in the stupendous treatise, viz., Maha Bharata. There's an interesting prelude to it 

When Ved Vyas set out to write Maha Bharat, - all slokas were his conception but he chose Maha Ganapati to write them out -, Maharshi made a condition. That Maha Ganapati has to keep up with the flow and pace of Maharshi. What happened was totally reverse. Maharshi couldn't keep up to the speed of Maha Ganapati. So Maharshi made yet another stipulation that not only should Maha Ganapati write it fast but also Ganapati should grasp the sloka while writing it. Such a sport Maha Ganapati became and accepted the challenge.

The Maharshi so as to have a breathing space after dictating every thousand slokas,  he deliberately ended the 1000th verse so cumbersome.  One can't read it verbatim to get the meaning word by word of the sloka.  It's like a jigsaw puzzle.  The words have to be rearranged to get to the correct meaning of the sloka. It would take sometime to understand even for such a genius, Maha Ganapati. In the interregnum, Maharshi could relax before he proceeded again.

The sloka in the beginning is from the canto, viz., Virata Parva in Mahabharata. The backdrop is the Pandavas were to observe one year incognito in the fourteen years of exile. They sought refuge in Virata kingdom in different avatars not revealing their real identity.  To cut it short, Duryodhana did all tricks and engaged spies to find out Pandavas and expose them.  The condition to return the usurped kingdom back to Pandavas was they should not fail during the one year to remain incognito.  Coveatus Duryodhana entertained notions defeat Pandavas in this excercise of remaining incognito.  When Duryodhana 's tricks failed to fetch any yield, he resorted to wage war against Virata Kingdom. Duryodhana thought that Pandavas would venture out to defend fragile Vrat in the battle. Hence their identities could easily be exposed.  Arjuna donning a female role by name Bruhannalai and as a chauffeur took to driving the Ratha from which the Prince of Vrat would fight. At the battlefield, as was expected by Duryodhana, the Prince got scared seeing the mighty army of Duryodhana and instructed the chauffeur to retreat.  But valour of Arjun didn't go with the Prince. He advised and motivated the Prince to bravely fight out and defeat Duryodhana.

Maha Swami narrates this under the sub-title பாரதக் குட்டு, chapter kavi சாதுர்யம் in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் vol 3.

Balakumaran wrote this Virata Parva as a story under the title, தனிமைத் தவம்.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Gita, the Gospel of the World

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥ 
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47

There's a saying in Tamil,

"ஒரு பானை சோற்றுக்கு ஒரு சோறு பதம்".

This one sloka suffices that Bhagavad Gita is Gospel of this Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥, the World, the one family.

Kudos to Manu Bhaker, not just for her winning in Parry's Olympics but also for her quoting the exhorting Karmanya Vadhikaraste from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krsna,  bless her and all sports participants in Olympics from Ma Bharath.

Here's Manu's quoting,
"Karma pe dhyan do, aur phal ke chinta mat karo,  - focus on the work but don't worry about the reward."

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

கீதை 11.55 - குறள் 204

11.55: Those who perform all their duties for My sake, who depend upon Me and are devoted to Me, who are free from attachment, and are without malice toward all beings, such devotees certainly come to Me.

மறந்தும் பிறன்கேடு சூழற்க சூழின்
அறஞ்சூழம் சூழ்ந்தவன் கேடு.

சாலமன் பாப்பையா விளக்கம்:
மறந்தும் பிறர்க்குத் தீமை செய்ய எண்ணாதே; எண்ணினால் எண்ணியவனுக்கு அறக்கடவுளே தீமையைத் தர எண்ணும்.

In life 
When we have
To deal with 
Umpteen other humans -
Be they from
One's own family,
Or from 
Work spaces -
There may arise
An occasion whence
One may not be
Able to 
Please all 
Due to 
Legitimate reasons.
Hence we may
Hurt, incur 
Wrath of
Should it 
End up having a
Life long grudge 
And spoil
One's peace?
Don't let your
Ego deter you
From saying 
When you have to.
For, the heaviest 
Burden to carry
Is grudge.
Be in peace.
Be Blissful.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

அமானுஷ்யம் ....some occult stories

Whenever something stuns me,
Or I go completely clueless,
my repeat go to, resort is to sloka, verse 30, chapter I, BG, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita:

na ca śaknomy avasthātuṁ
bhramatīva ca me manaḥ
nimittāni ca paśyāmi
viparītāni keśava

Perhaps God doesn't expect us to get scientific and explore.  And, in my humblest intuition, the best answer is the following excerpt of commentary on above sloka by Swami Chidbhavananda:

".....It is the way of the weak, the wavering and the vegetating to seek guidance from omens.  The active, the dutiful and the discerning have neither the time nor disposition to run after them."

Well, that's the Lord's emboldening to the dejected Arjun.

More occult stories....

Story I:

Courtesy: Recent edition of Tamil Weekly, துக்ளக்:  narration by The Editor of his experience from Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Puttabarti.

It was the time when MIG fighter flights were crashing.   One Tamilian settled in US kept calling the Editor and said, " it's not any accidental one.  It's Pak, doing black magic. The only person who could prevent this is Sri Sathya Sai Baba. You must talk to him." 

The Editor narrated this to the Industrialist Mr Venusrinivasan.  The latter took the Editor to Puttabarti.  Baba called them on the second day of their stay at the Baba's Ashram.  Editor conveyed the message from the America settled Indian.  Baba went into dhyan for 2 minutes and Said to the Editor, " tell him, the American Resident, not to worry."  So saying Baba closed His fist and opened it.  There was a big size diamond ring in His palm.  He handed it to the Editor and said, " My blessings to the caller from America.  You may give this ring to him.". Editor himself didn't know who the caller was and much less, whether the person was lean or bulky.  When the Editor reached back Chennai, he received the call from the American Resident, who came down to Chennai. The Editor informed him of Baba's darshan and His blessings and along with a ring gift for him. When the latter met the Editor, he was very bulky. The ring could aptly fit his finger.

Story II

It's fictional as narrated by a very religious person, a philanthropist.  He is used to engage one erudite stapati, an expert in Temple establishment related Agama Sastras and construction of Temples.  I called the philanthropist to check whether his stapati would help in advising us about reviving an ancient temple in complete shamples for centuries in a southern district.

It was in this context, the philanthropist narrated ne the story.

Here goes the story:

There was a famous Raja, the king with a vast empire.  Also lived in a village a few kms away from the palace a famous Astrologer.  To get the appointment of the latter, regardless of the strata, the clients had to wait for months. 

Despite knowing that, suddenly one day the Raja felt like getting to consult the Astrologer. So straight away he ventured out along with his horoscope to meet the Astrologer.  To the King's surprise, the Astrologer gave instant appointment. The Astrologer's wife got astonished, and at the same moment got elated that since the client that day being king, And her husband, the Astrologer would get hefty consulting fee.

The Astrologer studied the horoscope deeply for an hour and told the king, " I have studied your horoscope fully. It's good. But you have to come back again tomorrow the same time.  I'll talk to you then and advise."

Respecting the erudition of the Astrologer, the King left.  Astrologer's wife chided and said, ' normally you, in the first instance don't give appointment so easily. Also you never turn any one to come later.  Today you missed the good opportunity to earn also."

The Astrologer told his spouse, " looking at his horoscope it occurred to me today is the last day in his life. I took pity on him. That's the reason I didn't advise him on anything."

But to the surprise and shock of the Astrologer, the Raja turned up exactly at the appointed time, fully Hale and hearty.  It took a few minutes for the Astrologer to come to normalcy.

It's the turn of the Raja to explain what happened in the interegnum.  As Raja went from Astrologer's to his palace, there was heavy downpour on the way.  Raja stayed in a nearby shelter for the rain to stop.  Meantime he got tired and slept in the shelter.  When he woke up and turned to look back, there was a Shiva temple in dilapidated condition. Being devout, he felt disturbed at the state of the temple and decided to build back and restore the temple.

Astrologer said to Raja, "it's good thought of reviving the temple, that Lord wanted you to live long."

Story III

I wouldn't call it a story.   Many question, many a time, question rebirth.  We may keep questioning.... But our Manickavasagar left a legacy in His celestial song, Sivapuranam,

புல்லாகிப் பூடாய்ப் புழுவாய் மரமாகிப்
பல்விருக மாகிப் பறவையாய்ப் பாம்பாகிக்
கல்லாய் மனிதராய்ப் பேயாய்க் கணங்களாய்
வல்லசுர ராகி முனிவராய்த் தேவராய்ச்
செல்லாது நின்ற இத் தாவர சங்கமத்துள்
எல்லாப் பிறப்பும் பிறந்திளைத்தேன் எம்பெருமான்
மெய்யேயுன் பொன்னடிகள் கண்டின்று வீடுற்றேன்

Osho narrates a real life story in his title, Hidden Mysteries.  He cites the real life story of Edgar Cayce, a devout Christian who died in 1945.  Edgar had a fall from a tree.  The treating doctors had almost given up.  To them, Cayce in deep coma, could die any moment.  Suddenly even as he was in coma, to the shock of the Doctors, he uttered ceratai herbal compound could get him back on the feet.  The herbs had to be mobilised.  Doctors felt why not we try. They did and Cayce was back on his feet.   The wow thing is Cayce was not any expert in any herbs in his current Avatar.  The herbs he refferred to were all remnants of his memory spread over various births.

End of this pretty long piece.

It's apt to wrap this with what Sri Sathya Baba told the Editor of துக்ளக்:

"நான் அதிசயமாக வரவழைக்கும் விபூதி, மோதிரம் போன்றவைகள் எல்லாம், உங்களை அழைக்க நான் அளிக்கும் விசிட்டிங் கார்டுகள்.  பிறகு நான் வேதம், கீதை, புராணங்களில் இருந்து உங்கள் ஆன்மீக வாழ்க்கை மேம்பாட்டுக்கு வேண்டிய அனைத்தையும் கூறுகிறேன். ஒரு சிலருக்கே அதில் ஈடுபாடு இருக்கிறது என்பது எனக்கு வருத்தம்."

May Veda,
Veda sabda -
ஒலி -
Energize us
Guard us.

God bless.

Monday, March 4, 2024

நாளென் செயும்....Be Strong


நாளென் செயும்வினை தானென் செயுமெனை நாடிவந்த
கோளென் செயுங்கொடுங் கூற்றென் செயுங்கும ரேசரிரு
தாளுஞ் சிலம்புஞ் சதங்கையும் தண்டையுஞ் சண்முகமுந்
தோளுங் கடம்பு மெனக்குமுன் னேவந்து தோன்றிடினே.

பாடல் 38 –  கந்தரலங்காரம்

-      அருணகிரிநாதர்

Couple of days ago,

I just came back visiting a tax commissioner,

So tired, not because having had to meet a tax Official,

But to admit ageing.

We do walk, try a few asanas.

Yet, I can’t pretend

I’m pretty fit.

Just that day,

As I entered my Office back,

Trailing me was a stranger,

Donning yellow color robe and

Chanting Baba’s name.

He sought some alms.

I fished out a Rs.10 coin and

Handed out.

He blessed me and said,

“You need to take Baba’s Prasad and you should not refuse it”.

So saying, he, in return, put a one Re coin in my palm.

And in no second, he himself closed my fist and chanted again Baba’s nama.

Asked me to open my fist,

Which I did.

My God,

In the place of Re. 1 Coin, there was a small piece of a yellow metal,

A miniscule sort of waist belt buckle.

I returned it even faster and bid him adieu.

The vagabond left.

This took me some two decades back.

A similar instance happened.  I wrote it in one of my pieces in the blog.

That time, on a Saturday afternoon, everyone in my office left.  And I was the one to leave last.  As I was about to, an astro-palmist walked in.  And cajoled me to stretch my palm so that he could read and predict my life.  My God.  I’m a guy to accept whatever the God destines at any point in life.  As if some teaser, without waiting for me to say no, he shot a shell, “Sir, just think of a number, but don’t tell me what”.

I thought number 7.  The palmist immediately said, the number correctly.   His next teaser was, “think of a bird and don’t tell me”.   Wow, he could guess, the bird I thought was peacock.  Oh, the palmist said it correctly.

I literally pushed him out and headed for home that day.

How all these magics happen, I wondered loudly.

Years later very recently when I read Hidden Mysteries by Osho, it looks there are answers.  He writes if a person activates his ajna chackra, the space on the forehead betwixt the two eyes, he would be able to command and get things done.  But the thing is one needs to activate ajna chackra for good.  If abused, it can boomerang.

Lord Krsna’s sagely words to Arjuna at the time he talked about bad omens in killing the kith and kin on the other side of the warfare,

na ca śaknomy avasthātuṁ

bhramatīva ca me manaḥ

nimittāni ca paśyāmi

viparītāni keśava

- Slogan 30, Adhyaya I ARJUNA VISHADA YOGA

The one dutiful, agile would go about doing one's duty for the sake of one's wont duty. That one has no time to seek guidance from omens. It is the weak and wavering who would dilly dally on the excuse of seeking guidance from omens.

My humble feeling is so long you are staunch in your faith, nothing, nobody could shake you.   So be your Faith.

God bless.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

யாதுமாகி நின்றாய் காளி'

இன்பமாகி நின்றாய் காளி என்னுளே புகுந்தாய்
பின்பு நின்னை அல்லால் காளி பிறிது நானுமுண்டோ?

- தீக்குள் விரலை வைத்தால் நந்தலாலா உன்னைத்
தீண்டுமின்பம்  தோன்றுதடா நந்தலாலா

- மஹா கவியின் பராபர நிர்விகல்ப நிலையினை எளிதாய் இயம்புகின்ற அற்புத வரிகள்.

பயிற்சி சாத்தியமற்றதா?

Is a lay person deprived of
Mahavir hood
Any other
That the world has ever seen?

Find two superb answers.

1. Om Swami:

Just like two pieces of wood can be rubbed together to produce fire and the same fire later consumes them both, INTELLECT and CONCENTRATION support CONTEMPLATIVE Meditation. But when the fire 🔥 of INSIGHT arises, it consumes both INTELLECT and CONCENTRATION, giving way to pristine AWARENESS. This is the ultimate state for a MEDITATOR - not only understanding the nature of THOUGHTS and rising above them, but living in complete 💯 AWARENESS.

2. Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi:

மனம் எப்படி யடங்கும்?
நான் யாரென்னும் விசாரணையினலேயே மன மடங்கும்; நான் யாரென்னும் நினைவு மற்ற நினைவுகளையெல்லா மழித்து பிணஞ்சுடு தடிபோல் முடிவில் தானும் மழியும். பிறகு சொரூபதரிசனமுண்டாம்.

Can your AWARENESS stay forever?

What a question?!
When you are சாக்ஷாத் the very, veritable AWARENESS, THATSELF.
The problem is we let every externality to comaflauge our very own AWARENESS, SELF,  The reason why the world suffers all its vagaries.

What can hold you eternally stay Aware?

Swami Chidbhavananda answers in his commentary to Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2 verse 68:

" Mastery over the senses...makes one competent to gain INTUITIVE knowledge of the IMPERISHABLE. This knowledge once obtained persists FOR EVER."

He quotes Bhagavan Ramakrishna:

" Blinkers have to be used in order to break a horse to the rein. Otherwise it will not be tamed. Vulgar desires have to be done away with in order to obtain the Divine.  Purity of mind, complete sense control, desirelessness - these divine qualities make one competent to gain Godhood."

Friday, November 3, 2023

Yogi Bhava....Lord Krsna

A fragment,
A fragmentary glimpse into yoga just suffices.
Your journey into eternity begins, blossoms.
It's a vortex, not the kind to swallow up one.

It's a state that Lord Krsna exhorts Not just Arjuna, but every one to be: 
"Yogi Bhava".
Gita verse 6.46:

तस्माद्योगीभवार्जुन|| 46".

tapasvibhyo ’dhiko yogī
jñānibhyo ’pi mato ’dhikaḥ
karmibhyaśh chādhiko yogī
tasmād yogī bhavārjuna

Krsna keeps atop a Yogi all else - those performing various rituals just to get personal gain, wealth etc.,.

Yoga is a process where you engage in that that links you to the Supreme Consciousness.

Ask any Yoga sadhaga - practitioner,,
Even a beginner.
She/He would vouch that she/he felt a difference - divine one- that one couldn't convey it in words. It's step one to life's mission - Supreme Consciousness,  and on the yatra, journey, you are ever in that Consciousness.

A pertinent question: 

What's the use in just one engages in yoga sadana?

Adi Sankara answers in Bhaja Govindam:

सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं, निस्संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वं।
निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं, निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः ॥९॥
Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam,
nirmohatve niscalatattvam niscalatattve jivanmuktiH.- 9

Just a company of a good one suffices to light the goodness in the other.

And Rumi beautifully strings it:

All roads lead to Krsna's:
"Yogi Bhava".